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Digital Boulevard

Promoting Green Development to Tackle Climate Change

ZTE actively responds to global initiatives for green and low-carbon development. In May 2023, the company announced its engagement in the SBTi, becoming the first large telecom equipment company in China to make such a commitment. ZTE constantly focuses on scenario-based reduction of operational carbon, building of new energy infrastructure, supplier dual-carbon management, improvement of product energy efficiency, and building and enhancement of team capabilities, to ensure that we can fulfill our science-based targets and promote global sustainable development.

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  • Green Digital Infrastructure

  • Green Operations

  • Green Supply Chain

  • Green Empowerment

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Contact US

  • Headquarter
  • Mobiles And Smarts
  • Carrier

Address:ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China

Whistleblower Contacts:

Media Contacts:

To consult or make complaints on devices:

PLEASE CLICK ZTE Handset Website

Customer service for devices:


Customer service hotline for ADSL modems:


Oversea Customer service for system equipment:
