17th November 2021, Shenzhen, China - ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of advanced telecommunications equipment, mobile devices and enterprise technology solutions for consumers, operators, businesses and public sector customers, today announced that it has joined the PUZZLE X 2021 Event as a diamond sponsor in Barcelona where the two organizations highlighted the importance of Materials Deep Tech innovations for ultimate connectivity and a better future.
Advanced Material Future Preparedness Taskforce (AMPT), an international think tank and association on Frontier Materials, is committed to facilitating and expediting Materials Deep Tech innovations for societal impact. ZTE will be joining the inaugural PUZZLE X event taking place Nov 16-18 in Barcelona to propel Frontier Materials in aid of the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations by 2030.
Hans Neff Senior Director, CTO Group joined PuzzleX in Barcelona for the keynote penal entailing Connectivity and industry 5.0. In his discussion, he mentioned that “Leveraging Frontier Materials will allow to reach the ambitious aims for instance the Connecting Senses which is one of the 6G enhancements. This also includes enabling the industry 5.0 innovation dealing with personalization, specifically in machine to machine and man to machine interworking and allowing miniaturization of the infrastructure equipment and terminals enabling more efficient cooling, higher performance, and new technologies such as dynamic self-reflecting materials or others which are unimagined right now.”

ZTE believes it is important to be part of innovations, create strategic connection, have evocative interaction and exchange ideas with industry partners who share with same understanding of the market trends. PuzzleX is the perfect platform to exchange and learn about latest innovation, upcoming trends and new ideas whilst showcasing ZTE’s innovation and iteration brought to Spain market.
ZTE has always maintain its innovation through continuous research and development and always been in the forefront of most advanced material and technology usage. Tommy Bjorkberg in his penal discussion mentioned that “Graphene is an excellent example of a frontier material being utilized by ZTE. We currently use a graphene based cooling system in our ZTE Smartphone. And by using graphene thermal pads inside our radio equipment we have been able to achieve further temperature reductions and we are even using high encapsulated graphene powder coating on some of our equipment.” ZTE believes that through events as such, we have the potential to be at a place where we can establish new partnerships and also cross pollinate across industries.

ZTE has been staying true to its original aspirations, and is striving to connect "individuals, families, enterprises, and society" with ceaseless efforts and innovation. ZTE is determined to fulfill its vision and mission, that is, "to enable connectivity and trust everywhere," and "to connect the world with continuous innovation for a better future."