Nonbinary LDPC BICM for Next⁃Generation High⁃Speed Optical Transmission Systems

Release Date:2017-03-22 Author:LIN Changyu, Ivan B. Djordjevic, WANG Weiming, and CAI Yi

[Abstract] We propose a nonbinary byte⁃interleaved coded⁃modulation scheme with inner and outer turbo⁃like iterative decoder. The net coding gain is 0.6 dB higher than the state⁃of⁃the⁃art binary single parity check (SPC) low⁃density parity⁃check (LDPC) based turbo⁃product counterpart, with adjustable iterations and lower error⁃floor. We provide the details of Bahl⁃Cocke⁃Jelinek⁃Raviv (BCJR) based inner code decoder and optimum signal constellation design (OSCD) method in this paper. The single⁃mode fiber (SMF) channel simulation is also discussed.

[Keywords] fiber optics and optical communications; modulation; forward error correction (FEC); coded modulation

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