ZTE Joins ANITEC, Expands Presence in Italy

Release Time:2012-09-05
ZTE Joins ANITEC, Expands Presence in Italy - ZTE Press Release

ZTE Joins ANITEC, Expands Presence in Italy

Date:2012-09-05 ZTE Click:160

5 September 2012, Milan, Italy – ZTE Corporation (“ZTE”) (H share stock code: 0763.HK / A share stock code: 000063.SZ), a leading global provider of telecommunications equipment, network solutions and mobile services hasannounced thatit has become a member of ANITEC (Associazione nazionale industrie informatica, Telecomunicazioni ed Elettronica di Consumo), an industry association affiliated with the Italian industry association Confindustria and a founding member of Confindustria Digitale.


"The ANITEC membership represents an important step in the consolidation and development process of our activities in the Italian telecommunications market,” said Wei Li, General Manager, ZTE Italy. “We believe our participation in the association will increase ZTE’s credibility and visibility in Italy, in addition to offering us greater local insight that we hope will lead to interesting opportunities with other industry partners.”


ZTE, which offers a wide range of consumer smartphone products, as well as infrastructure solutions and smart terminals, adds ANITEC to a list of other existing prestigious industry memberships, including Assolombarda and Unindustria, Unione Degli Industriali e Delle Imprese di Roma, and Frosinone, Rieti e Viterbo.


President of ANITEC, Cristiano Radaelli commented, “We are very pleased to welcome ZTE amongst our members. With ZTE, our association has an even richer and stronger representation in the ICT sector and will help us increase visibility of the ICT industry as a generator of growth, value, competition and sustainability in Italy.”