Key Intrinsic Security Technologies in 6G Network

Release Date:2023-01-28 Author:LU Haitao, YAN Xincheng, ZHOU Qiang, DAI Jiulong, LI Rui Click:

Abstract: Intrinsic security is a hot topic in the research of 6G network security. A revolution from the traditional“plugin-based”and“patch-based”network security protection mechanism to a self-sensing, self-adaptive and self-growing network immunity system is a general view of 6G intrinsic security in the industry. Massive connection security, physical-layer security, blockchain, and other 6G candidate intrinsic security technologies are analyzed based on 6G applications, especially hot scenarios and key technologies in the ToB (oriented to business) field.

Keywords: 6G; intrinsic security; ToB application; massive connection; physical-layer securit

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