High-Power Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Injection-Locked Magnetron Technology
Release Date:2022-05-19 Author:YANG Bo, MITANI Tomohiko, SHINOHARA Naoki, ZHANG Huaiqing Click:
High-Power Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Injection-Locked Magnetron Technology
YANG Bo1, MITANI Tomohiko1, SHINOHARA Naoki1, ZHANG Huaiqing2
(1. RISH, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 6110011, Japan;
2. Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)
Abstract: Applications using simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) have increased significantly. Wireless communication technology can be combined with the Internet of Things to develop many innovative applications using SWIPT, which is mainly based on wireless energy harvesting from electromagnetic waves used in communications. Wireless power transfer that uses magnetrons has been developed for communication technologies. Injection-locked magnetrons that can be used to facilitate high-power SWIPT for several devices are reviewed in this paper. This new technology is expected to pave the way for promoting the application of SWIPT in a wide range of fields.
Keywords: simultaneous wireless information and power transfer; wireless power transfer; magnetrons; injection-locked; Internet of Energy; Internet of Things