A Survey of Intelligent Sensing Technologies in Autonomous Driving

Release Date:2021-09-16 Author:SHAO Hong, XIE Daxiong, HUANG Yihua Click:



A Survey of Intelligent Sensing Technologies in Autonomous Driving
SHAO Hong1, XIE Daxiong1,2,HUANG Yihua1

(1. ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China; 

2. State Key Laboratory of Mobile Network and Mobile Multimedia, Shenzhen 518057, China)


Abstract: Intelligent perception technology of sensors in autonomous vehicles has been deeply integrated with the algorithm of autonomous driving. This paper provides a survey of the impact of sensing technologies on autonomous driving, including the intelligent perception reshaping the car architecture from distributed to centralized processing and the common perception algorithms being explored in autonomous driving vehicles, such as visual perception, 3D perception and sensor fusion. The pure visual sensing solutions have shown the powerful capabilities in 3D perception leveraging the latest self-supervised learning progress, compared with light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-based solutions. Moreover, we discuss the trends on end-to-end policy decision models of high-level autonomous driving technologies.

Keywords: autonomous vehicles; neuron network; automotive electronics; sensor fusion


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