Resource Allocation Strategy Based on Matching Game

Release Date:2020-12-14 Author:DENG Xu, ZHU Lidong



Resource Allocation Strategy Based on Matching Game
DENG Xu1, ZHU Lidong1
(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communications, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China)
Abstract: With the development of satellite communication technology, the traditional resource allocation strategies are difficult to meet the requirements of resource utilization efficiency. In order to solve the optimization problem of resource allocation for multi-layer satellite networks in multi-user scenarios, we propose a new resource allocation scheme based on the many-to-many matching game. This scheme is different from the traditional resource allocation strategies that just consider a trade-off between the new call blocking probability and the handover call failure probability. Based on different preference lists among different layers of medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites, low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, base stations and users, we propose the corresponding algorithms from the perspective of quality of experience (QoE). The simulation results show that the many-to-many matching game scheme can effectively improve both the resource utilization efficiency and QoE, compared with the oneto-one and many-to-one matching algorithms.
Keywords: satellite network; resource allocation; many-to-many matching game; preference lists; quality of experience



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