Forest Fire Detection Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm Implemented in Wireless Sensor Networks

Release Date:2015-07-24 Author:Fuji Ren , Mengni Chen, and Yu Gu Click:

[Abstract] In recent years, high⁃resolution video has developed rapidly and widescreen smart devices have become popular. We present an Android application called WeWatch that enables high⁃resolution video to be shared across two mobile devices when they are close to each other. This concept has its inspiration in machine⁃to⁃machine connections in the Internet of Things (loT). We ensure that the two parts of the video are the same size over both screens and are synchronous. Further, a user can play, pause, or stop the video by moving one device a certain distance from the other. We decide on appropriate distances through experimentation. We implemented WeWatch on Android operating system and then optimize Watch so battery consumption is reduced. The user experience provided by WeWatch was evaluated by students through a questionnaire, and the reviews indicated that WeWatch does improve the viewing experience.

[Keywords] together watching experience; screen adaptation; internet of things; distance estimation; energy efficiency