
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:冷峰,王伟,张跃冬 阅读量:

[摘要] IPv6协议作为下一代互联网的网络层协议,具有诸多新特性与功能,而域名系统(DNS)作为重要的互联网基础架构,需要全面支持IPv6新特性。从域名系统的资源记录及协议扩展、IPv4到IPv6的过渡、域名解析各环节对IPv6的准备、IPv6为域名系统带来的新机遇等几方面对IPv6环境下域名系统的域名服务进行了分析和研究。

[关键词] 域名系统;IPv6协议;递归解析服务器;权威解析服务器

[Abstract] IPv6 is the next-generation network layer protocol and has many new features and functions. The domain name system is an important part of the Internet infrastructure and must fully support the new features of IPv6. In this paper, we analyze DNS resource record and protocol extension, transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the preparation of DNS for IPv6, and opportunities that IPv6 brings to DNS.

[Keywords] domain name system; IPv6 protocol; recursive DNS server; authoritative DNS server