
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:宋林健,李震 阅读量:

[摘要] 从IPv6协议测试范围和测试方法两个方面对IPv6协议测试进行了研究分析,并从设备、网络和网站系统等3个方面探讨论了IPv6测试的规范和体系。基于近年IPv6测试领域相关成果,介绍了IPv6论坛的测试体系IPv6 Ready和IPv6 Enabled,以及全球在IPv6测试方面的实践和探索。

[关键词] IPv6测试;互操作性;一致性;测试范围;测试方法

[Abstract] In this paper, we discuss the scope and methods of IPv6 protocol testing. We discuss IPv6 testing framework in terms of devices, network, and website testing. We also discuss international studies on IPv6 Ready and IPv6 Enabled and give an overview of global IPv6 testing practice.

[Keywords] IPv6 testing; interoperability; conformance; scope of testing; method of testing