
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:刘敏 阅读量:

[摘要] 传统的隧道技术不能满足隐藏在网络地址转换(NAT)域内的IPv6节点的通信要求。针对此问题,提出了一种新的面向NAT用户的IPv6过渡技术Silkroad,它可以使位于一个或多个IPv4 NAT内的节点获得IPv6的连通性。Silkroad支持所有类型的NAT用户和IPv6网络进行互联,且不需要升级现有的NAT设备;此外,Silkroad不需要任何特殊的IPv6地址前缀,能够为NAT用户分配固定的IPv6地址,并具有更高的安全性。

[关键词] IPv6协议;过渡技术;网络地址转换技术;隧道技术

[Abstract] Traditional tunneling methods are not suitable for IPv6 nodes, which are hidden in the network address translator (NAT). In this paper, we propose a new IPv6 transition mechanism, called Silkroad, for new NAT users. Silkroad allows nodes in one or several IPv4 NATs to use IPv6 connectivity. It also allows all types of NAT users to connect with IPv6 networks without updating NAT devices. In addition, Silkroad does not need a special IPv6 addressing prefix and can assign stable IPv6 addresses to users. It is also highly secure.

[Keywords] IPv6 protocol; transition technology; NAT technology; tunnel technology