
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:孙静文,孙琪,吴鹏 阅读量:

[摘要] 分析了当前比较成熟的隧道和翻译过渡技术,主要包括主干网隧道过渡技术、接入网隧道过渡技术、接入网翻译过渡技术。针对过渡场景及其解决方案各不相同,认为在过渡过程中应当充分考虑网络的特征与现状。以主干网和接入网为主线,给出了各场景适用的技术方案,包括主干网的IPv6过渡场景、接入网的IPv6过渡场景、互联网内容提供商过渡场景。

[关键词] 下一代互联网;过渡技术;过渡场景

[Abstract] In this paper, we discuss more mature IPv6 transition technologies related to the backbone tunnel, access network tunnel, and access network translation. We suggest that it is necessary to consider the characteristics and status quo of the network in the transition process. We analyze the technology applicable to a backbone IPv6 transition scenario, an access network IPv6 transition scenario, and an Internet content provider transition scenario.

[Keywords] next generation Internet; transition technology; transition scenarios