
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:勇,陈煜驰 阅读量:

[摘要] 针对下一代互联网IPv6过渡关键技术问题,从隧道过渡角度展开研究,提出了面向全网IPv6过渡的4over6软线隧道技术方案。技术方案针对全网IPv6过渡需求,设计了主干网及接入网分别适用的4over6软线隧道技术,形成了统一的隧道过渡技术体系,通过主干网异构路由隔离混传、接入网自适应异构动态接入以及透明化自动隧道等机制实现下一代互联网IPv6平滑过渡。

[关键词] 下一代互联网;软线;隧道;IPv6过渡

[Abstract] This paper focuses on issues with key techniques in IPv6 transition for next-generation Internet. In this paper, we propose a 4over6 softwire tunneling mechanism. We propose different 4over6 softwire tunneling technologies for the backbone and access networks. These technologies are used to create a unified tunneling transition system and satisfy the requirements for IPv6 transition across the whole network. Smooth IPv6 transition can be achieved using mechanisms such as heterogeneous routing separation and transport in the backbone, dynamic self-adaptation and heterogeneous access in the access network, and transparent automatic tunneling.

[Keywords] next-generation Internet; softwire; tunneling; IPv6 transition