
发布时间:2013-03-21 作者:郭丹旦,唐雄,崔卓 阅读量:

[摘要] 无线通信基站系统在现场应用中会受到散热、灰尘、油烟、湿度、腐蚀等环境因素的影响,而运营商降低建设成本和维护成本的考虑使得设备工作环境更加恶化。从实践角度出发,基于实际部署经验,系统性地分析了上述因素对设备可靠性的影响,提出综合设备设计和应用环节统筹考虑以减轻影响的思路,并针对设备设计和部署给出了具体建议。

[关键词] 无线通信;环境适应性;热设计;腐蚀;灰尘

[Abstract] Environmental factors such as radiation, dust, lampblack, and corrosion affect wireless base station systems. With decreased capex and opex, there is a risk that the environment in which equipment operates deteriorates. In this paper, we draw on actual experiences in the field to discuss the effect of environmental factors on base station reliability. We suggest that environmental factors should be taken into consideration when designing network equipment, and we make specific recommendations about how equipment should be designed and deployed.

[Keywords] wireless communications; environmental adaptability; thermal design; corrosion; dust