
发布时间:2015-11-30 作者:赵东,马华东,刘亮 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为移动群智感知网络的感知质量包含时空覆盖质量和数据质量两个层面,前者关注是否能采集到足够多的数据,而后者关注数据是否足够准确和可信。分别从这两个层面讨论了感知质量度量和保障的方法,对移动群智感知网络的部署和应用具有一定的指导意义和实用价值。

[关键词] 移动群智感知;感知质量度量;感知质量保障

[Abstract] The sensing quality of a mobile crowd sensing (MCS) network can be assessed in terms of time-space coverage and data quality. Time-space coverage focuses on whether enough data can be collected, and the data quality focuses on whether the data is sufficiently accurate and credible. We discuss sensing quality measurement and assurance from the two aspects that are significant for guiding the deployment and application of an MCS network.

[Keywords] mobile crowd sensing; sensing quality measuring; sensing quality assurance

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