
发布时间:2015-11-30 作者:Edith Nagi ,滕以宁,王文东 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为物联网(IoT)和参与式感知是通过无线传感器和移动传感器,从环境和智能传感应用中获取数据的技术。在欧洲国家,物联网和参与式感知已应用在很多领域,市场发展迅猛。在瑞典,以智慧城市为目标,并注重节能的绿色物联网工程正在实施。在该工程中,提出了一个结合绿色网络、智慧感知和云计算技术的绿色物联网解决方案,以解决更具有交互性和响应性的城市管理问题。通过对两款针对医疗和安全驾驶参与式感知应用的介绍,认为智慧城市应用需要结合从不同的来源得到的感知数据,以正确地提取特征并预测未来。

[关键词] 物联网;参与式感知;智慧城市

[Abstract] In this article, we present the current status and future trend on ICT for smart cities in Europe. We focus on Internet-of-Things (IoT) and participatory sensing, which make use of wireless sensors and mobile sensors to collect data from the environment and create smart sensing applications. We highlight the society challenges in Europe and present our GreenIoT project as a national effort aiming at IoT technology for sustainable city development in Sweden. With the popularity of smartphones, we further illustrate two participatory sensing applications for health care and safe driving. Finally, we discuss the energy consumption problem with GPS on smartphones and propose a collaborative localization scheme to address the problem.

[Keywords] Interne of Things; participatory sensing; smart city

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