
发布时间:2015-11-30 作者:王德政,王承忠,吉晓威 阅读量:

[摘要] 在M-ICT时代,物理设备、网络部署、业务流程都呈现全面扁平化的趋势。在物理设备层面,各类资源的池化已成为主要趋势;在网络部署层面,软件定义网络(SDN)/网络功能虚拟化(NFV)等技术令网络部署更加趋于扁平;在业务流程层面,大数据系统为扁平化提供了技术基础。指出安全问题泛在化与安全边界模糊化是扁平化趋势带来的新安全课题,在安全架构的构建中,需要重点考虑这两方面的问题。强调M-ICT时代将是一个全面扁平化的时代。

[关键词] 扁平化; 资源池; 大数据; 安全

[Abstract] In the M-ICT era, the trend of flatness is evident in physical equipment, network deployment, and business processes. At the physical equipment level, pools of all kinds of resources have become the main trend. In the network deployment level, software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), and other technologies can make the network flatter. In the business process level, big-data system provides the technical basis for flatness. We point out that the safely problem become general and security boundaries become blurred. We need to pay attention to these two aspects. We emphasize that the M-ICT era will be a comprehensive flat era.

[Keywords] flatness; resource pool; big data; security

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