
发布时间:2013-05-16 作者:张杰,赵永利 阅读量:

[摘要] 采用软件驱动的光路传输调节、软件编程的光路灵活交换、软件扩展的光路自动联网等关键技术,软件定义光网络可以满足对网元节点传输能力的灵活配置以及对业务带宽按需调度的要求,能够实现异构网络的统一控制、网络资源的虚拟化提供、面向数据中心的高效互联等应用,是支撑下一代光网络向高度智能化方向发展的重要方案。

[关键词] 光网络;软件定义;传输;交换;联网

[Abstract] With software-adjusted lightpath transmission, software-programmed lightpath switching, and software-scaled lightpath networking, a software-defined optical network can flexibly change transmission for optical network elements and on-demand allocation of service bandwidth. This is especially important for unified control over heterogeneous networks, virtualized resource provisioning, and datacenter networking. Software-defined optical networking is becoming an important way of heightening the intelligence of optical networks.

[Keywords] optical networks; software defined; transmission; switching; networking