
发布时间:2013-05-16 作者:罗圣美,王蔚,任文慧 阅读量:

[摘要] 文章基于PhoneGap和Titanium两种框架的不同功能,通过共有的API进行设备访问、性能等一系列的测试。由测试可知PhoneGap和Titanium在不同环境背景下各有优缺点,但Titanium具有更加优秀的性能和效率,而PhoneGap相对具有优势的跨平台性。

[关键词] 移动应用;跨平台框架;性能测试;PhoneGap;Titanium

[Abstract] In this paper, we describe the different functions of PhoneGap and Titanium and introduce device access tests and performance tests through the common API of these applications. The tests show that PhoneGap and Titanium have advantages and disadvantages in different environments; however, Titanium generally performs more efficiently, but PhoneGap is better in across platforms.

[Keywords] mobile App; cross platform framework; performance test; PhoneGap; Titanium