
2022-06-21 作者:金梁,孙小丽,钟州,许晓明,陈如翰,张剑,邬江兴   阅读量:
无线通信发展范式与RIS的赋能作用 - 中兴通讯技术
发布时间:2022-06-21  作者:金梁,孙小丽,钟州,许晓明,陈如翰,张剑,邬江兴  阅读量:


(战略支援部队信息工程大学,中国 郑州 450002)


Development Paradigm of Wireless Communication and Enabling Role of RIS

JIN Liang, SUN Xiaoli, ZHONG Zhou, XU Xiaoming, CHEN Ruhan, ZHANG Jian, WU Jiangxing
(PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002, China)

Abstract: Wireless communication uses electromagnetic waves to carry information to achieve long-distance communication, which gets rid of the shackles of cables and promotes world economic development and social progress. The wireless communication development paradigm is a natural law, theoretical basis, and practical specification related to the evolution of wireless communication technology. The scope of application and key technologies of the existing wireless communication development paradigms are reviewed, and it is pointed out that development paradigms for both passive adaptation and active use of wireless environment are restricted by the "space spectrum wall". The ability of existing wireless communication development paradigms to resist wireless disturbances is still at the stage of "depending on the sky", and the situation limited by the wireless environment has not been fundamentally changed, which restricts the improvement of wireless communication service capabilities. In response to this bottleneck problem, a new paradigm of wireless communication development by "reforming and customizing wireless environments" is proposed. The theoretical exploration of the new paradigm and practical specifications based on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) are introduced, in order to realize the technological change from "relying on the sky for food" to "nature-human integration".  
Keywords: paradigm; wireless communication; reconfigurable intelligent surface

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