
发布时间:2014-02-20 作者:何宗键,曹建农,郑俊浩 阅读量:

[摘要] 对车联社交网络根据研究侧重点做了分类,并对车联社交网络中的一些机遇和挑战进行了探讨;提出了一种利用社交网络分享的实时交通信息为车联网进行最短路径规划导航的解决方案。实验数据表明该方案在导航效率上超越了现有的静态路径规划方案。

[关键词] 车联网;社交网络;群智计算;无意识协作

[Abstract] In this paper, we survey and classify existing works on vehicular social networks. Then, some challenging issues are discussed. Finally, we propose an application that uses socially shared real-time traffic information to find the quickest route to a destination. Our evaluations show that the proposed solution outperforms existing static route-planning solutions.

[Keywords] vehicular networks; social networks; collective computing; opportunistic sensing