
发布时间:2013-12-02 作者:闵栋,魏凯,文婷 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出了中国超文本链接标记语言5(HTML5)技术的发展策略:以操作系统Web化路径为发展主线,坚持以原生操作系统为核心的技术创新,在原生操作系统基础上研发和部署自主的Web运行环境,并行支持原生应用与Web应用两种应用生态;以平台型浏览器路径为发展辅线,大力支持中国自主平台型浏览器的研发与产业化,并推动自主浏览器与自主操作系统在终端能力调用、性能及功耗优化、应用生态构建等方面展开深度合作。

[关键词] HTML5技术;移动互联网;Web应用

[Abstract] This paper describes a strategy for developing HTML5 technology. The primary development path is the web-based OS. We take the native OS as basis for innovating HTML5 technology and use it to develop and deploy the web execution environment. The native OS supports both native APPs and web APPs. The second path is developing a platform-based browser that can support the development and industrialization of China’s own platform-based browser and promote cooperative device API calling, performance optimization, and construction of an ecosystem between the independent browser and OS.

[Keywords] HTML5 technology; mobile Internet; Web service