区块链共识机制研究: 典型方案对比

发布时间:2019-01-03 作者:刘懿中,刘建伟,喻辉 阅读量:

[摘要] 共识机制是区块链技术的核心,研究了区块链现有的共识机制,并分类如下:基于工作量证明(PoW)的共识机制、基于权益证明(PoS)的共识机制、采用单一委员会的混合共识机制和采用多委员会的混合共识机制。给出了每一类共识机制的基本流程,并列举相应的典型方案,分析了每一类共识机制的优缺点,指出了区块链共识机制未来的研究方向。

[关键词] 区块链;共识机制;PoW;PoS;拜占庭容错

[Abstract] The core problem of blockchain is consensus. In this paper, the current consensus mechanisms of blockchain are classified as follows: the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus, the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus, the hybrid consensus based on single-committee and hybrid consensus based on multiple-committees. The basic procedure of every kind of consensus is listed and enumerate corresponding typical schemes are given. Then the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of consensus are analyzed. Finally, the future research direction of consensus is given.

[Keywords] blockchain; consensus mechanism; PoW; PoS; byzantine fault tolerance

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