
发布时间:2019-01-03 作者:张佳妮,何德彪,李莉 阅读量:

[摘要] 针对传统物联网(IoT)交易场景下,双方使用椭圆曲线算法签名交易时证书颁发与维护的巨额开销问题,提出使用基于身份的Schnorr签名替换原有的椭圆曲线数字签名,以实现IoT设备间轻量级的身份认证。提出了基于Diffie-Hellman和基于YAK 2种比特币密钥协商协议,实现了交易后比特币用户间端到端的安全通信。其中,基于YAK的密钥协商协议通过零知识证明(ZKP)提供了前向安全。

[关键词] 区块链;IoT;Schnorr;密钥协商;ZKP

[Abstract] In view of huge cost of certificate issuance and maintenance in traditional Internet of things (IoT) transaction scenario where both parties use elliptic curve algorithm to sign transactions, an identity-based Schnorr signature is proposed to replace the original elliptic curve digital signature to realize the lightweight identity authentication between IoT devices. Two bitcoin key agreement protocols based on Diffie-Hellman and YAK have been proposed which achieve end-to-end secure communication between bitcoin users after transactions. Meanwhile, the YAK-based protocol can provide forward security through Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP).

[Keywords] blockchain; IoT; Schnorr; key agreement; ZKP

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