
发布时间:2019-01-03 作者:林成骏,伍玮 阅读量:

[摘要] 从密码技术出发,着重分析比特币的生成和运行原理。其中,通过哈希函数的压缩性和单向性,分别描述了比特币的核心技术区块链以及工作量证明(PoW)的难度;利用数字签名的完整性和认证性分析比特币交易的验证过程。基于对比特币优缺点的分析,认为目前比特币的隐私保护和监管问题仍然突出。

[关键词] 比特币;区块链;哈希函数;数字签名

[Abstract] Based on the cryptographic techniques, the generation and operation principles of Bitcoin are emphatically analyzed in this paper. The blockchain (the core technology of Bitcoin) and the difficulty of power-of-work (PoW) are described respectively by using the compressibility and one-wayness of hash functions; the authentication process of Bitcoin transactions is analyzed by using the integrity and authenticity of digital signature. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin are summarized. It is considered that the privacy protection and regulation are still the main problems of Bitcoin.

[Keywords] Bitcoin; blockchain; hash functions; digital signature

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