
发布时间:2012-04-05 作者:朱洪波,杨龙祥,朱琦 阅读量:

[摘要] 文章基于物联网的特征、技术思想及其与新兴产业的关系,重点研究了实现物联网产业化应用的关键——泛在无线技术,主要包括末梢感知层、网络融合层、无线资源管理以及对数据进行综合处理的信息处理等关键技术。文章指出物联网的本质是利用“泛在网络”实现“泛在服务”,是一种更加广泛深远的未来网络应用形态。物联网正催生一场战略性新兴产业革命,将带来千载难逢的机遇,全面推动社会的经济振兴和社会进步。

[关键词] 物联网;泛在网;后互联网;异构网络融合;云计算

[Abstract] This paper discusses one of the key aspects of industrial IoT: ubiquitous wireless technology. Ubiquitous wireless technology includes peripheral perception layer, network convergence layer, radio resource management, and information processing for integrated data. In this paper, we suggest that the essence of IoT is to achieve ubiquitous services through a ubiquitous network, which is a far-reaching network. We also suggest that IoT will create opportunities and promote economic revitalization and social progress.

[Keywords] Internet of things; ubiquitous networks; post internet; heterogeneous network convergence; cloud computing