
发布时间:2012-04-05 作者:孙利民,刘伟 阅读量:


[摘要] 资源受限和环境干扰使得无线传感器网络大规模应用面临诸多问题,包括流量不均衡、功能与需求失衡、理论与实际失衡等。文章在分析这些问题的基础上,结合当前技术的发展和应用需求,从传感器网络应用架构、体系结构、稀疏网络部署下的数据传输及大规模传感器网络的仿真、测试技术等方面,给出了对大规模传感器应用的一些思考。

[关键词] 大规模传感器网络;系统架构;体系结构;移动数据收集;仿真与测试

[Abstract] There are a number of issues in large-scale wireless sensor networks because of environmental interference and a scarcity of system resources. Issues include imbalances between sensing and delivering, ability and demand, and theory and practice. In this paper, recommendations are made for a network framework, system architecture, and data forwarding in sparse networks. We also give a brief introduction to simulation and testing technologies for large-scale networks.

[Keywords] large scale wireless sensor network; system architecture; mobile data collection; simulation and testing