
发布时间:2023-04-13 作者:辛港涛,樊平毅 阅读量:


摘要:近年来,语义通信受到业界的广泛关注,但一套完整且有效的语义信息论框架仍未完全建立。将语义信息论分为语义熵、语义率失真、语义信道容量3 个部分,分别探讨语义信息的度量问题、语义编码与失真问题、最大语义通信量问题。同时,从信息理论角度出发,系统回顾和梳理了语义信息论的相关发展,对未来语义信息论发展中可能存在的开放性问题进行了讨论。认为目前语义通信的发展处于初级阶段,仍然有很多问题尚未解决。





Abstract: In recent years, semantic communications has received wide attention from academia and industry, but a complete and effective framework of semantic information theory has not been fully established. The semantic information theory is divided into three parts: semantic entropy, semantic rate-distortion, and semantic channel capacity, and the measurement of semantic information, semantic coding and distortion, and the maximum semantic traffic are then discussed. At the same time, the related work in semantic information theory is sorted out, and some open problems with high probabilities about the future of semantic information theory are discussed. It is believed that the development of semantic communications is in its initial stage, and there are still many unsolved problems.


Keywords: semantic information theory; semantic communication; information theory; 6G

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