
发布时间:2023-04-13 作者:张跃平 阅读量:


摘要:“十大天线技术进展”旨在遴选、记录天线领域的年度标志性成果。在广泛征集中国天线产学研界多位专家的意见后,整理出了2022 年度十大天线技术进展,其中有九大天线技术来自中国。分别介绍了这些天线技术的技术特点和优势。认为在天线开发应用方面,中国后来居上。指出天线强则国家强,国家强则天线强。




Abstract: The "Top Ten Antenna Technology Advances" aims to select and record annual landmark achievements in the antenna field. After extensively soliciting the opinions of multiple experts from the antenna industry, university, and research community in China, the top ten antenna technology advances in 2022 are selected, including nine antenna technologies from China. The technical characteristics and advantages of these technologies are analyzed separately. It is believed that in terms of antenna development and application, China has come from behind. It is pointed out that if the antenna technology is strong, the country will be strong, and if the country is strong, the antenna technology will be strong.


Keywords: wireless power transmission antenna; massive multi-input multi-output antenna; space satellite array antenna; filter antenna; encapsulated antenna

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