
发布时间:2023-01-03 作者:韦韬,顾为群,刘宇江 阅读量:






Abstract: A modern digital enterprise is a living organism that is constantly evolving. The complexity of its architecture will grow explosively, and the continuous introduction of external digital products and services and the evolution of industrial technologies will promote the accumulation of internal digital genes. In order to deal with severe threats of network security attacks, comply with strict data security compliance requirements, and ensure the healthy development of enterprise digital lifeforms, modern enterprise security infrastructure must be more adaptable to this dynamic complexity. The aspect-oriented security is described. The core idea is to integrate security capabilities into enterprise infrastructure and decouple them from business, so that security capabilities can penetrate into business logic, and at the same time both parties can achieve independent and rapid development, and ensure continuous dynamic security in a higher dimension.


Keywords: aspect-oriented security; endogenous security; security-native; enterprise security architecture; enterprise as digital lifeforms

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