
发布时间:2023-01-09 作者:朱石超,赵丽霞,杨华 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为研究发光二极管(LED)器件调制特性以及在高速调制状态下的发光特性是提升新型可见光通信系统性能的关键问题之一,LED器件调制特性的提升可以显著拓展可见光通信系统的应用范围。基于LED器件的调频特性,通过分析发光器件和封装的结构及其他关键光电性能,提出建议:通过降低RC时间以及载流子自发辐射寿命,有效改善LED器件的响应速率,提高LED的调制带宽。

[关键词] 可见光通信;发光二极管;响应频率;调制带宽;照明

[Abstract] The electronic and optical frequency characteristics of LEDs are key issues in a VLC system. After investigating the effect of light source and its package on the performance of VLC system, we make the following proposal: the RC time and carrier spontaneous recombination time of the LEDs need to be decreased in order to improve the modulation bandwidth of LEDs. When the LED modulation characteristics are improved, the VLC system can be more widely applied.

[Keywords] visible light communication; light emission diodes; response frequency; modulation bandwidth; illumination