
发布时间:2014-10-09 作者:沈成彬,蒋铭,王波 阅读量:

[摘要] 基于增强的电信管理运营图(eTOM),研究了无源光网络(PON)的运行、维护与管理体系的架构,该系统包括网络资源管理、装维流程管理、服务保障系统等子系统。结合电信运营商的实际需求,重点研究了智能光纤基础设施管理、终端零配置开通、光链路测量与诊断等关键技术,并分析了上述关键问题的发展趋势与部署策略。

[关键词] 无源光网络;运行、维护和管理;智能光纤基础设施管理;服务开通;光链路测量与诊断

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose an architecture based on eTOM for PON OAM. In this architecture, there are three sub-systems: network resource management, installation and maintenance process, and service support. We investigate the requirements of telecom operators as well as key technologies, such as intelligent fiber infrastructure management,zero-touch terminal installation, and optical link test and diagnosis. Based on general trend and up-to-date progress, these technologies’ development path and deployment are presented.

[Keywords] passive optical networks; operation, administration and maintenance; intelligent fiber infrastructure management; service fulfillment; optical link test & diagnosis