
发布时间:2012-12-18 作者:刘建毅,王枞,薛向东 阅读量:

[摘要] 文章认为云存储是社会发展、技术发展的必然趋势,但其安全问题是云存储普及最大的障碍。基于云存储系统架构、安全分析及安全保护机制,文章给出了一种云存储服务应用支撑系统架构。该架构应用于云存储服务系统,是基于互联网应用的新型服务化存储模式,分为业务应用层、应用接口层、平台软件层和基础设备层,提供信息服务管理、运营统计分析和多种安全措施。

[关键词] 云存储安全;加密存储;访问控制

[Abstract] Cloud storage is an inevitable trend, but security is the biggest obstacle. In this paper, we discuss the safety and protection mechanism in the architecture of a cloud storage system. This architecture is divided into business application layer, application interface layer, platform software layer, and infrastructure layer. These provide information services management, operational statistical analysis, and a variety of safety measures.

[Keywords] cloud storage security; encrypted storage; access control