
发布时间:2012-12-18 作者:邓玉辉 阅读量:

[摘要] 通过资源的整合和虚拟化技术的应用,云计算可以对用户提供按需的资源分配和服务,以充分提高资源的利用率。文章认为将该理念拓展到云存储和云灾备,则由于海量数据的高度聚集将会对系统带来一系列的挑战,是云存储与云灾备的短板。实现海量存储系统从传统的纵向扩展向横向扩展转化,实现系统的性能和规模线性可扩展,处理海量存储系统的高度聚集带来的能耗和冷却等问题是在进行云存储和云灾备系统设计时必须要考虑的重要因素。

[关键词] 云存储;云灾备;数据;能耗

[Abstract] Cloud computing can allocate resources on demand to users through technology that integrates and virtualizes resources. In this way, resource use can be greatly improved. Extending this idea to cloud storage and cloud disaster recovery means highly aggregating mass data, and this will create a number of challenges for system design. Scale-out model, linear scalability, energy consumption, and cooling are very important factors that need to be considered when designing cloud storage system and cloud disaster recovery system.

[Keywords] cloud storage; cloud disaster recovery; data; energy consumption