
发布时间:2012-07-27 作者:史凡,赵慧玲 阅读量:


[摘要] 文章认为智能化云计算承载网应具备高速、快捷、保障、灵活等特性。为支持和实现这些特性,需引入虚拟感知、因特网数据中心(IDC)互联、IDC集群以及软件定义网络(SDN)等新型技术。基于现有的运营商网络架构,文章认为可通过在不同网络层面和网络单元中新增或升级具备相应技术能力的设备和系统,调整网络组织和部署,实现网络智能能力的有效增强,从而加速现有网络架构向下一代高智能网络架构的演进。

[关键词] 智能;云网络;虚拟;承载网络

[Abstract] A wise-cloud carrier network should be fast, safe, and flexible. To realize these features, new technologies such as virtual awareness, Internet data center (IDC), IDC cluster, and software-defined network need to be used. In this paper, we suggest that network organization and deployment can be adjusted, and intelligence of a network can be enhanced by adding or updating equipment in different network layers and units. In this way, existing network infrastructure can quickly evolve to highly intelligent next-generation infrastructure.

[Keywords] wise; cloud network; virtual awareness; carrier network