
发布时间:2012-07-27 作者:罗鉴,宋晓丽 阅读量:


[摘要] 文章认为为使以太网能更好地适应数据中心网络融合需求,需对现有以太网进行全面性能提升,以实现低延时、无损的增强型以太网。文章探讨了无损以太网关键技术:量化拥塞通知(QCN)、基于优先级的流控(PFC)、增强传输选择(ETS)、自动发现和能力交换协议(DCBX),并对这些技术的特点及协议兼容性进行了研究和分析。文章认为无损以太网技术是保障数据中心网络基础设施在处理网络流量过程中低延迟、无丢包的关键技术,将逐步为数据中心产品所支持。

[关键词] 无损以太网;拥塞管理;流量控制;增强传输选择

[Abstract] Before converging Ethernet in data centers, it is necessary to improve the performance of existing Ethernet so that low-delay, lossless enhanced Ethernet can be achieved. In this paper, we introduce the key technologies in lossless Ethernet networks, including quantized congestion notification, priority-based flow control, enhanced transmission selection, and data-center bridging exchange. We analyze protocol compatibility between these technologies and predict the future of these technologies. Lossless Ethernet technologies are central in creating low-delay, lossless data-center networks and will be supported in all future data-center products.

[Keywords] lossless Ethernet; congestion management; flow control; enhanced transmission selection