
发布时间:2022-11-01 作者:江甲沫,韩凯峰,徐晓燕




(中国信息通信研究院,中国 北京 100191)




Performance Metric for 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication System

JIANG Jiamo, HAN Kaifeng, XU Xiaoyan

(China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Beijing 100191, China)

Abstract: Towards 6G integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, the development of ISAC is studied from three stages: traffic coexistence, capability cooperation, and network mutualism. The target of system design and requirement of performance metrics are proposed. The influence factors called four-dimension boundary factors of ISAC are presented in the four aspects: communication performance, sensing performance, resource allocation, and application scenario. Based on two new performance metrics called ISAC efficiency and utility, the performance of ISAC is simulated in typical scenarios. Some key suggestions for system design and evaluation are proposed for the evolution of 6G ISAC.

Keywords: integrated sensing and communication; performance metric; efficiency; utility

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