
发布时间:2019-06-27 作者:梁家越,刘斌,刘芳 阅读量 :






摘要:给出了边缘计算平台的一般性功能框架,并基于平台的设计目标和部署方式,对当前典型的边缘计算开源平台进行了分类。从设计目标、目标用户、可扩展性、系统特点和应用领域等方面,对EdgeX Foundry、Apache Edgent、Azure 物联网(IoT)Edge、CORD和Akraino Edge Stack等典型开源平台进行了对比和分析。最后介绍了可用于构建边缘计算平台的一些开源软件,并讨论了边缘计算平台的未来发展方向和研究热点。
关键词: 边缘计算;开源平台;物联网;开源软件

The Present Situation of Open Source Platforms for Edge Computing


LIANG Jiayue1, LIU Bin2, LIU Fang1

1.Sun Yat-Sen University;2. Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Abstract:In this paper, the general functional framework of edge computing platforms is analyzed, and the category of these platforms based on their design target and deployment characteristic is discussed. The existing typical open source edge computing platforms such as EdgeX Foundry, Apache Edgent, Azure Internet of Things (IoT) Edge, CORD and Akraino Edge Stack are introduced with comparison from the perspectives of design target, target user, scalability, system characteristic and application area. Finally, some open source software that can be used to build edge computing platform is introduced, and the future trends and research topics of edge computing platform are discussed.
Keywords: edge computing; open source platform; IoT; open source software

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