
发布时间:2019-04-28 作者:陈运清,雷波,解云鹏 阅读量 :

[摘要] 新型城域网的设计应面向未来业务需求,以简洁、通用、高效、智能为目标演进,高效、动态地连接城域内大量的接入节点,逐步形成城域内的统一承载新平面。在演进策略方面,新型城域网的构建不是颠覆性地推倒重来,而是从现网、现状出发,基于各项技术研发进展,结合网络建设节奏,循序渐进实现平滑演进。


[关键词] 城域网演进;叶脊架构;统一承载;网络切片


[Abstract] The design of the new metropolitan area network should be oriented to the future service requirement, with concise, universal, high efficiency and intelligence as the evolution goal. A large number of access nodes in the metropolitan area are connected in an efficient and dynamic way, and a unified bearing new plane is gradually formed. The construction of the new metropolitan area network needs to proceed from the existing network and present situation. Based on the research and development of various technologies, and the specific situation of network construction, the smooth evolution is finally achieved.


[Keywords] metropolitan area network evolution; spine-leaf architecture; unified bearer; network slice




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