
发布时间:2019-04-28 作者:张嗣宏,左罗 阅读量 :

[摘要] 梳理了当前人工智能在通信领域的研究和应用进展,提出了中兴通讯基于人工智能的网络智能化解决方案。认为网络可以在网元智能、运维智能和业务智能3个层面引入AI,并按照分层、按需、分阶段的引入原则,最终实现网络泛在智能。同时提出了一套多维度智能化分级标准,结合通信工作流程和智能化范围,将网络智能化水平分为5个等级,这将有助于网络逐步向目标架构演进。


[关键词] 5G;AI;网络智能化;架构;分级演进


[Abstract] The research and application progress of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of communication are reviewed, and the network intelligent solution of ZTE based on AI is proposed. It believes that the AI can be introduced into network in three levels: network element intelligence, operation and maintenance (O&M) intelligence and business intelligence, with the principles of tiered, on-demand, and phased. In this way, ubiquitous intelligence can be achieved. At the same time, a set of multi-dimensional intelligent grading standards is proposed. Combined with telecom workflow and intelligent scope, the level of network intelligence is divided into five levels, which help the network evolve to the target architecture.


[Keywords] 5G; AI; network intelligence; architecture; phased evolution

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