
发布时间:2019-01-03 作者:王李笑阳,秦波,乔鑫 阅读量:

[摘要] 在总结了共识机制发展的基础上,着重对共识机制当前存在的攻击威胁以及防范策略进行解析,并据此提出了区块链共识机制的4种信任基础即对数学、密码学的信任,对节点注重自身利益的信任,多人信任以及人为信任。指出目前共识机制发展方向之一是同一信任之下的信任对象替换。

[关键词] 共识算法;安全性;区块链;分布式系统;拜占庭容错

[Abstract] The attack threats and preventive strategies existing in consensus mechanism are analyzed in this paper, and four trust bases of blockchain consensus mechanism are put forward, including trust in mathematics and cryptography, trust in nodes focusing on their own interests, multi-person trust and artificial trust. Finally, it points out that one of the development directions of the current consensus mechanism is the replacement of trust objects under the same trust.

[Keywords] consensus algorithm; security; blockchain; distributed system; Byzantine fault tolerance

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