
发布时间:2019-01-03 作者:苏宣瑞,邹秀清,丁勇 阅读量:

[摘要] 基于以太坊的智能合约技术提出一种新型身份识别系统的设计方案,其中平台架构设计分为数据层、网络层、共识层和接口层,采用点对点(P2P)技术将数据分布存储在各个节点,实现了分布式认证,可抵抗黑客的攻击;采用椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)和改进的Merkle树,确保数据的真实性。本设计具有高拓展性、高可靠性、高安全性的特点,支持不同平台进行统一的身份认证。

[关键词] 区块链;以太坊;智能合约; 身份识别

[Abstract] A new authentication system design based on Ethereum smart contract technology is proposed. The platform architecture includes a data layer, a network layer, a consensus layer, and an interface layer. The point to point (P2P) technology is used to distribute data to each node, then a distributed authentication mode can be implemented, and hacker attacks can be resisted; the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) and the improved Merkel tree are applied to ensure the authenticity of the data. This design is highly scalable, high reliability and high security, and supports unified authentication on different platforms.

[Keywords] blockchain; Ethereum; smart contract; authentication

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