无线数据与能量协同传输中的游程 限制编码设计

发布时间:2018-11-15 作者:胡杰,李梦媛,杨鲲 阅读量:

[摘要] 从信息论角度出发,在离散对称信道下,研究了游程限制(RLL)编码的无线数据与能量协同传输(简称为无线数能同传)(SWIPT)性能:在满足每比特的最低携能要求下,通过优化游程限制编码的码字发出概率,最大化信源和信宿之间的平均互信息量。数值结果揭示无线数据与无线能量传输(WPT)之间的权衡关系,并提供游程限制编码在不同信道条件下的无线数能传输性能。

[关键词] 射频WPT;SWIPT;RLL;离散对称信道

[Abstract] From the information theoretical aspect, the simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) performance of the run-length-limited (RLL) code is studied. The mutual information between the information source and destination is maximised by optimising the transmit probability of the codewords generated by the RLL encoder, which is subject to the minimum requirement of the energy per bit delivered to the receiver. Numerical results reveal the inherent tradeoff between the wireless information transfer and wireless power transfer (WPT) performance of the RLL code, while characterising its SWIPT performance in different channel conditions.

[Keywords] radio frequency-based WPT; SWIPT; RLL; symmetric channel

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