
发布时间:2018-08-16 作者:洪伟 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为毫米波多通道高集成度芯片和多通道高速基带处理芯片的发展日新月异,毫米波正在逐渐成为支撑第5代移动通信(5G)、超高速短距无线接入、空联网(IoS)等的共性技术,而且还在往更高的太赫兹频段扩展。随着这些技术的逐渐商用,它们将深刻改变人们的生活。针对毫米波与太赫兹通信做些了评述,权当抛砖引玉。

[关键词] 毫米波;太赫兹;无线通信

[Abstract] It is considered that millimeter-wave multi-channel high-integration chip and multi-channel high-speed baseband processing chip are developing rapidly. Millimeter wave is becoming a generic technology for 5G wireless communications, high throughput short-range wireless access, Internet of Space (IoS), etc., and is also extending to THz frequency band. Therefore, some comments and predictions on millimeter wave and THz communications are presented in this paper for reference.

[Keywords] millimeter wave; Terahertz; wireless communications

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