
发布时间:2018-07-17 作者:严牧,孙耀,冯钢 阅读量:

[摘要] 介绍了无线网络中的强化学习算法,认为由于强化学习算法与环境交互并动态决策的特点,其对复杂网络环境有着较强的适应能力;然后针对无线网络中的强化学习方法的应用场景做了概述,并给出了两个基于强化学习的无线接入技术案例:毫米波技术的切换技术和Multi-RAT接入技术。可以看到:智能的无线接入技术由于具备充分挖掘和扩展无线网络资源的潜力,能够显著提高无线网络用户的体验。

[关键词] 未来无线网络;切换;接入控制;强化学习

[Abstract] In this paper, the application of reinforcement learning in wireless network is briefly introduced. Due to the characteristics of interacting with environment and dynamic decision making, reinforcement leaning algorithm has strong adaptability to complex network environment. Then the application scenarios of reinforcement learning method in wireless network are summarized, and two cases of wireless access technology based on reinforcement learning are given: handoff policy of mmWave HetNets and multi-rat access control. Intelligent access control of wireless network is powerful in exploiting wireless network resources, which can improve the quality of experiences of mobile users.

[Keywords] future wireless network; handoff; access control; reinforcement learning

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