
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:王强,陈捷,廖国庆

[摘要] 5G承载网作为基础网络,面临着大带宽、低延时、灵活连接、高精度时间同步和网络切片五大挑战。提出了面向5G承载的网络切片分层架构,并对涉及的软件定义网络(SDN)控制面切片、基于灵活以太网(FlexE)的转发面硬切片、承载设备切片与虚拟化技术、5G业务的端到端切片编排等关键技术进行了研究。

[关键词] 5G承载网;网络切片;硬切片;软切片;FlexE

[Abstract] As the basic network, 5G transport network is considered to face five major challenges, such as wide bandwidth, low delay, high-precision synchronization, flexible connection, and network slicing. In this paper, a layer network slicing architecture for 5G transport network is proposed, and some key technologies including soft-defined network (SDN) control plane slicing, flexible Ethernet (FlexE) -based data plane hard slicing, transport device slicing and virtualization, and E2E slicing orchestration for 5G services are studies.

[Keywords] 5G transport network; network slicing; hard slicing; soft slicing; FlexE

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