
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:罗训,王荣 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出了一种网络仿真的新技术——基于虚拟现实(VR)的无线自组网仿真技术。游戏引擎中的场景管理、动画渲染、脚本控制、物理引擎等为自组网仿真提供了方便的接口,利用这些接口可以很轻松地实现自组网仿真工作。从游戏引擎的优势、仿真流程实现来说明利用游戏引擎实现在虚拟现实中的自组网络仿真技术,并通过与其他常用仿真技术的实验数据对比论证仿真方案的可行性和准确性。

[关键词] VR;无线自组网络;仿真;游戏引擎

[Abstract] In this paper, the wireless ad-hoc network simulation based on virtual reality(VR) technology is proposed. The scene management, animation, rendering, scripting, physics engine in the game engine can provide convenient interfaces for ad-hoc network simulation. Using these interfaces, the simulation of ad-hoc networks can be easily implemented. The ad-hoc network simulation technology can be realized in VR by game engine, which is illustrated by advantages of the game engine, the simulation process in this paper. The feasibility and accuracy of the simulation scheme are demonstrated by comparing the experimental data with other commonly used simulation techniques.

[Keywords] VR; wireless ad-hoc networks; simulation; game engine

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