
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:陈东义 阅读量:

[摘要] 在增强现实领域中,用户关注点已经转移到精确的虚实叠加感知和空间理解上,并且存在诸多导致用户对增强内容产生不正确感知的因素。提供了一种感知问题分类方法,将信息增强作为一个感知理解管道从而对各个环节分别阐述。主要分析了增强现实中影响空间深度感知的因素,并为改善感知问题提出了参考研究方向。

[关键词] 场景感知;空间深度感知;增强现实

[Abstract] For the users of augmented reality, concerns have shifted to precise sense of virtual superposition and spatial understanding. And there are many factors that lead to the incorrect perception of enhanced content. In this paper, a method of perceptual question classification is presented, and information enhancement is used as a perception and understanding pipeline to organize each link separately. It mainly analyzes the factors that influence the spatial depth perception in the augmented reality and puts forward the reference research directions for improving mentioned perception problems.

[Keywords] scene perception; spatial depth perception; augmented reality

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