
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:崔云峰,钟卫东,刘东 阅读量:

[摘要] 针对工业技术的发展和中国制造2025发展规划,探讨了智能工业装备操作系统的重要性和意义。围绕智能工业装备的4种关键需求(关键性能、智能化、信息安全、功能安全),中兴通讯提出了智能工业装备操作系统及其创新方案,通过5种创新技术(安全可信的微内核架构、嵌入式虚拟化技术、健康管理技术、智能互联技术、安全防御技术)解决智能装备的关键需求,并将在通信、汽车、工业控制等诸多领域促进智能工业装备发展。

[关键词] 智能工业装备;实时操作系统;微内核;嵌入式虚拟化

[Abstract] In this paper, the importance and significance of the operating system of intelligent industrial equipment are discussed. Focusing on four key requirements of intelligent industrial equipment including key performance, intelligence, security and safety, the intelligent industrial equipment operating system and its innovative scheme are proposed by ZTE Corporation. In this way, key requirements of intelligent equipment are solved by five innovation technologies, such as safety credible micro-kernel architecture, embedded hypervisor technology, health management technology, intelligent ecosystem and interconnection technology, and security technology. Furthermore, the development of intelligent industrial equipments including communications, automotive, and industrial control should be promoted too.

[Keywords] intelligent equipment; real-time operating system; micro-kernel; embedded hypervisor

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